Putting the care in health care


On the heels of the Affordable Care Act, not enough people were aware of CareOregon as a premier provider of free and low-cost health insurance. It was time for them to proudly tell their story.

Partnering with creative boutique HAIL, we listened (in key stakeholder interviews) and collaborated (across a series of Sparrow Day One sessions). Together, we landed on a unifying brand positioning (“CareOregon. Strengthening our communities by making health care work for everyone.”), which was supported by four highly differentiating themes and a multitude of proof points. 

With this foundation in place, we created a dynamic communication plan with brand and tactical messaging for each target audience, staying consistent with the positioning and driving toward clear metrics.

Over the past five years and seven extensive projects, Sparrow, HAIL, and the client teams have continued to tell CareOregon’s story and improve its services and operations. Across Oregon, we’ve conducted on-site research — with network providers, with members in multiple languages (Spanish, Mandarin, Vietnamese) and culturally appropriate settings (from shelters for the unhoused populations to care homes), and with CareOregon staff — to optimize the member experience and reduce administrative burden.

Today, CareOregon serves 375,000 members, nearly one of every 16 people in the state. In the words of CEO Eric Hunter, “Creating and building an organization so influential and cherished is an immense accomplishment.” Hear, hear!

CareOregon Effect